MassFiscal Calls on Auditor to Investigate Higher Ed Compensation

Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance, today called on State Auditor Suzanne Bump to investigate the extraordinary sick and vacation time payout and lavish post-retirement consulting agreement of former Bridgewater State University president Dana Mohler-Faria. A copy of our letter may be found here.

“The deal Mohler-Faria struck insults the hardworking taxpayers of Massachusetts,” Craney said. “We owe a huge thanks to the Boston Business Journal for bringing the facts out into the light of day, and Suzanne Bump owes the people an explanation.”

According to published reports, Mohler-Faria accrued an extraordinary amount of vacation and sick time during a period when he was the final authority on recording his use of those benefits. In addition, records show Mohler-Faria travelled to a number of exotic locations on the public dollar and used a university credit card to engage in activities like snorkeling, guided tours, and dinners in excess of $500.

Mohler-Faria, who retired in June of 2015, acquired more than $1 million in accrued vacation and sick time in the years leading up to his retirement. He was paid a lump sum of $269,984, in addition to a $183,421 annual state pension as well as the $8,333-per-month fee he receives as an advisor to the school.

Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance advocates for fiscal responsibility, transparency, and accountability in state government and increased economic opportunity for the people of our Commonwealth. As a non-partisan, IRS recognized 501(c)(4) non-profit organization, our primary focus is to promote social welfare.

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