DeLeo Gives Progressives the Go-Ahead on Increasing Taxes

(BOSTON)— House Speaker Bob DeLeo is talking taxes, a scant two weeks after he led the charge on fat pay raises and just a few years after eliminating term limits for his highly compensated chair on the rostrum.

According to yesterday's Boston Herald, DeLeo's encouraging progressive legislators to go for taxpayer gold, saying, “I think it’s only fair to give people the proper ability to raise the concerns about the budget (including) for those who wish to talk about increased taxes.... I think that’s only right and proper in this case, in this fiscal year.”

Paul Craney, executive director of MassFiscal, slammed DeLeo's tactic. "The last thing the Massachusetts economy needs is a bigger tax burden, but DeLeo's commitment to big government never wavers.”

Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance advocates for fiscal responsibility, transparency, and accountability in state government and increased economic opportunity for the people of our Commonwealth.




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