Happy Cinco de Mayo, a day we clink margarita glasses in remembrance of Mexico’s victory over the French at the Battle of Pueblo in 1862. Here in Massachusetts, we have another reason to celebrate.
According to an annual study done by the Tax Foundation, today is Massachusetts’s Tax Freedom Day.
If we tallied all our earnings from January first until today, the total would equal the amount we pay in federal, state, and local taxes . Of the fifty-nifty United States, Massachusetts celebrates after everyone else but Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York.
Congratulations, Massachusetts taxpayer. From now on, you can keep the money you earn!
The national tax Freedom Day was on April 23. To put all this tax talk into perspective, Americans will collectively spend more on taxes in 2017 than on food, clothing, and housing combined. I know I could use a margarita after hearing that.
So rim your glass with salt, dip into some fresh guacamole, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Hold your paycheck a little more tightly tonight, and celebrate your freedom from Uncle Sam.
Freedom Tax Day
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