If Allegations Are True, Dixon Should Withdraw from Rep Race

(BOSTON)--Saying there are more questions than answers in the story of Moses Dixon's arrest for domestic abuse and the subsequent restraining order filed against him, Paul Craney, executive director of The Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance today called on Dixon to drop out of his race if allegations prove true.

Dixon claims that he and the victim were and remain best friends. He claims she lied about the physical violence and called the police and pursued the matter through the courts in retaliation for a financial argument.  "The report, facts around the case and allegations are serious and disturbing. Dixon's denial doesn't clear up anything, if anything it creates more questions," Craney said. "He may be telling the truth, but he may be just victimizing the victim all over again.”

Craney said the questions remaining surrounding the matter, including allegations of a public records cover-up, are enough to draw into question his candidacy. "Sure, he has, by strictly interpreting the law, every right to remain in the race," Craney said. "But the people of the 17th Worcester district deserve better."

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