Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker Urged to Reject Rash and Rushed Legislation
The Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance released the following statement today in response to the House and Senate sending Governor Baker a rash and rushed “Janus Fix” bill that blatantly violates the privacy rights of state workers.
“The current version of the ‘Janus fix’ bill is a clear infringement of the rights of state workers. The legislation goes well beyond the originally stated intent of closing a ‘loophole’ created by the Janus decision and significantly expands the power of union bosses at the expense of the privacy rights of state employees. The unfettered access to personal information that union bosses will be afforded by this legislation will leave our state employees who exercise their right to not join a union dangerously exposed to potential reprisal and intimidation. The Governor would be correct to veto it,” said Paul D. Craney, spokesman for the Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance.
“At the same time that lawmakers are pressuring the Governor to sign this bill, another day has passed without an annual state budget. The legislature is too concerned with paying back special interests and not concerned enough with the business of governing our state. It’s ridiculous,” Craney continued.
On Wednesday, MassFiscal sent Governor Baker a letter outlining many of their concerns and urging him to veto the bill when it lands on his desk.