In honor of Equal Pay Day, MassFiscal requested payroll records broken down by gender from the MBTA’s two largest unions, the Carmen’s Union and Machinists Union Local 264 Boston.
The two unions dominate the MBTA, and unsurprisingly, they are run by a largely male workforce. Of the top ten union positions, men filled majority of the positions. In fact, for four of the ten most populous job categories, women made up less than ten percent of the workforce.
Amongst Repairers, only one woman is employed in the 312 positions available (less than .05%). Amongst 1,368 Surface Operators, the most common job included in the two unions, only 27 percent are women.
Overall, men accounted for 76 percent of the workforce, earning a sum of $177,676,532 in wages for 2,517 positions, while women account for 24 percent of the workforce, earning a sum of $52,402,771 in wages for the 784 positions.
For a more complete breakdown, see below.