Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance made the following statement today regarding Governor Phil Scott (R-VT) signing S.337, An act relating to energy efficiency entities and programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the thermal energy and transportation sectors.
The Governor simultaneously sent a letter to Vermont’s lawmakers highlighting the virtues of the “legislative process… without additional costs on Vermonters” in the bill. This stands in stark contrast to the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI). According to, S.337 would create “new programs to reduce to greenhouse gas emissions in the thermal energy and transportation sectors.” The letter comes only a few days after Gov. Scott vetoed H.688 which, according to Gov. Scott’s letter, is not constitutional and did not take immediate action to reduce emissions. H.688 was the Vermont version of the Global Warming Solutions Act, the backdoor through which activists attempt to force states into TCI. A copy of Gov. Scott’s letter may be found on the VT Digger website:
“Gov. Scott is taking a pragmatic approach to Vermont’s problems. This does not bode well for TCI or Massachusetts bureaucrats who want to spend other state’s tax dollars to fund Massachusetts state government spending. Gov. Scott is looking to address climate issues in a way that meets legislative approval, yet does not cost taxpayers. Those goals should be shared by other Governors, including Governor Baker” stated Paul D. Craney, spokesman for the Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance.
“Since Governor Chris Sununu’s rejection of the scheme, TCI is a non-starter in NH. The same is now likely for Vermont. The regional approach to TCI is quickly eroding,” concluded Craney.