Help Needed on MBTA Reform

The Governor's comprehensive MBTA restructuring, built on a broad bi-partisan foundation, wins support from an overwhelming 80% of people polled across the state. Still, some Beacon Hill bigwigs are blocking its most important reforms. 

Here's how you can help.

Please CALL Senator Marc Pacheco and Senator Thomas McGee TODAY and urge them to support Gov. Baker’s MBTA reforms. Senators Pacheco and McGee are leading the charge against releasing the T from the complex and bureaucratic Pacheco law, a law which is nationally unparalleled in its ability to confound management improvements.

Lawmakers must stand with Governor Baker this summer, or we'll all stand in the snow next winter. 

Their contact information is below:
mpacheco.jpgSenator Marc Pacheco: 617-722-1551



tmcgee.jpgSenator Thomas McGee: 617-722-1350



For more information about the Pacheco Law and fixing the MBTA:
Watch our latest video here
Read our op-ed here
Read Senator Pacheco’s op-ed here

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