No new or higher taxes is the right approach for dealing with a struggling state economy
Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance made the following statement today in response to the Association of Industries of Massachusetts (AIM) coming out against future tax increases that will hurt the state’s businesses. AIM’s newsletter points out the hard reality that countless small businesses are currently facing, many of which are on the verge of collapse. AIM calls for support from Beacon Hill for these businesses, by extinguishing calls for new taxes. AIM’s newsletter may be found by clicking here:
“Any tax hike or new tax, whether broad based, targeted (often euphemistically called “user fees”), should be rejected by State House leaders. Now is the time for the Speaker, the Senate President, and the Governor to roll up their sleeves and put the interests of the public ahead of their big government wish lists. State House leaders need to realize they cannot spend their way out of a budget and economic crisis. They cannot tax businesses into prosperity; rather, they should focus on government spending reform” stated Paul Craney, spokesman of the Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance.
“Today’s warning by AIM should not fall on deaf ears among State House leaders. It’s a warning for all legislators, whether they represent the most conservative or the most left-wing districts across the state. Ignoring AIM’s concern, which in turn represents the concerns of businesses all around the state, will only result in a loss of more jobs and a deeper economic hole to climb out of,” stated Craney.
“Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance is pleased to see AIM use their important voice to appropriately weigh in on the looming budget and policy battle that will take place after the election. The employer community is often on the table, and never at the table. It’s time that changes,” concluded Craney.