ACTION ALERT: Support Uber and Lyft

The MA House of Representatives is considering further regulation of ride-for-hire companies like Uber and Lyft. Plans include banning ride-for-hire companies from picking up people at both the Logan Airport and a wide swath of the Seaport district in Boston.

While some regulation of the Uber and Lyft services is perhaps inevitable as government legislatures try to insure the safety of the community, we OPPOSE the scope of the bill before the House. The legislation includes a plethora of new regulations, from additional inspections to zone restrictions.

To highlight a few that we found most alarming was the creation of a “Ride for Hire Division” of the Department of Public Utilities, strict penalties to restrict ride-for-hire services at Logan Airport and the Boston Convention Center, and de-incentivizing restrictions for ride-for-hire services during weather emergencies.

Businesses like Uber and Lyft provide an important service. It gives people in need of a ride choices, which is the source of competition for suppliers. If Taxi’s are feeling pressured by the new competition it is a call to them to find ways to incentivize their driving services. At MassFiscal we believe the market can provide the solution much better than burdensome government bureaucracy

This bill goes beyond protecting health and safety, adding stifling regulations aimed at crushing innovation and competition necessary in a growing market for transportation services. For these reasons MassFiscal cannot support House Bill 4049, which seeks to undermine ride-for-hire companies like Uber and Lyft.

To let your legislator know you DO NOT SUPPORT H4049, especially the provisions that limit car services' area of operation and creating a new state agency for regulation. Take action by pressing here.



Don’t Wait for Feds to Take Joyce to the Cleaners

Expel Brian Joyce from the Senate

(BOSTON)--Paul Craney, executive director of the Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance, today called on Senate President Stanley Rosenberg to initiate the expulsion of Canton Senator Brian Joyce. Craney hand delivered a letter from Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance to President Rosenberg’s State House office.

"As president of the Senate, Stanley Rosenberg must lead on ethics. He and his colleagues must hold Brian Joyce accountable for his unethical use of his senate office. It would wise for them to act now, and not wait for the Feds to take Joyce to the cleaners," Craney said.

Acknowledging that FBI and IRS investigations are not in themselves proof of misdoing, Craney said, "The Campaign Finance decision against Joyce says enough: Brian Joyce uses his position as senator for personal financial gain. Yesterday's raid by federal authorities merely continues the assault on the character of the senate brought on by Joyce's reprehensible behavior."

The Office of Campaign Finance recently levied stiff fines against Joyce's committee for improper use of political contributions. Among the violations: the campaign funded a graduation party for his son and a car for himself. Also, an associate on a number of occasions withdrew cash from that account in direct violation of regulations. The aide has been directed to pay back the cash, and Joyce has been fined. Yesterday, the IRS and the FBI raided Joyce's Canton law office. Alleged reports that Joyce shook down a dry cleaner over the course of more than a decade likely triggered the raids.

Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance advocates for fiscal responsibility, transparency, and accountability in state government and increased economic opportunity for the people of our Commonwealth.

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Local Business Leaders Urge Expansion of Charter Schools

Massachusetts business leaders have written letters to both Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo and President of the Senate Stanley Rosenberg commending their commitment to taking up charter school legislation, and urging an expansion of charters to meet the high demand among Massachusetts' youth. 

"With a 20-year record of success... [charters] are a highly effective solution to one of America's deepest and most persistent challenges: the achievement gap between wealthy and economically challenged students..." the letters state.

In addition, their plea calls for charter legislation that is demand driven, acutely responding to the desires parents and students have for more choice among schooling opportunities, and keeps the unique fiscal and managerial aspects of charters in tact. They cite Governor Baker's charter bill filed in October as a high quality example from which future legislation should draw inspiration.

MassFiscal commends the business community's support of innovative education policy that improves the well-being of students while also keeping the commonwealth's finances in order. We continue to be supporters of increased access to charter schools in Massachusetts.

To view the letter to the house, click here. To view the letter to the senate, click here. To view Governor Baker's charter legislation click here.


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